E-business means electronic business comprises a range of functions and services including buying and selling of goods and services, servicing customers, processing payments, managing production control, sharing information, and many more. Online Business or e-business shares information across the internet. However, trade and commerce denote the exchange of products and services between businesses, groups, and individuals. And e-commerce emphasizes the use of information and communication technology to make relationships of the business with individuals, groups, and other businesses with the help of the internet. But e-business differs from e-commerce as it does not only deal with online transactions of selling and buying of a product or service but it also utilizes digital information and advanced communication technologies to streamline different business processes – from the beginning to the implementation phase. E-business includes a lot of business processes including online order processing, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), supply chain management, and many more. Now it is clear that e-commerce is a part of e-business.